In the month of January Dr. Joe Dispenza returns to Catalonia, this time he will present the new level of his teachings in a 1st. «One week retreat in Port Aventura (Tarragona)», with the best conditions to continue taking the reins of your life.


According to his website:


As his vision continues to evolve, in January 2018, Dr. Joe will introduce the next level of his teachings in his first week-long event in Tarragona, Spain. This seven-day retreat is designed to help students delve even deeper into the work. The new format, which has evolved out of the last five years of Advanced Workshops, is designed to truly challenge you to master your energy, your environment, and your destiny..


Dr. Joe Dispenza will transmit new knowledge and new meditations, to teach you to go beyond the person you are right now and become a supernatural person, giving you the necessary tools and equipment so you can do it. There will be fun group activities, entertaining night meetings and mysterious adventures that will facilitate the team building in a stronger community, while encouraging each participant to become in their highest ideal..


Crédito de la Imagen: Freepik


A workshop that you have to live!.


To register for the course you must enter the following link:


Event registration Dr. Joe Dispenza Port Aventura 2018


The countdown has already begun! Reserve your place before they run out !.

To register successfully and be able to support you with the process I share with you the following steps to follow:

1.- When you get to the link page you should go to the end of it


2.- There you will find the registration button



3.- It is VERY IMPORTANT, that you activate the small box before the following text: «I am registering on behalf of this person»



4.- This way it will open a new section where you have to write the information of the promoter of the event, in this case my info. This process will also help me to monitor that your registration is done correctly:

Name: Montserrat
Last Name: Oliveros


5.- If you want to register in Spanish do it in the following link, the coupon code is the same RP400

I leave you the link of some of their basic products that Dr. Joe Dispenza recommends to prepare you and be able to do the best course. The online course would be the version that can prepare you for this next level. I also share the music of the workshops, it is a beautiful and powerful music.

Becoming Super Natural

Meditación «Deja de Ser Tú» descarga en el ordenador (las partes del cuerpo)

Libro «Deja de Ser Tú» 

Llibre «Deixa de ser tú»

Libro «El Placebo eres tú»

Llibre «El Placebo ets tú»

Curso on line «Rompiendo el hábito de ser tú mismo» (Niveles 1 y 2) 

Música del Taller Avanzado del Dr. Joe dispenza (Vol. 1)

Musica del Taller Avanzado del Dr. Joe Dispenza (Vol. 2)

Enlace del curso on line en inglés del Dr. Joe Dispenza a través de Hay House

If you want to read some of my experiences in their workshops, I share the next  links with previous posts written by me:

Experiencias taller Dr. Joe Dispenza Diciembre 2013

El increíble poder de la meditación del Dr. Joe Dispenza

La meditación del Dr. Joe Dispenza está transformando mi vida

Montserrat Oliveros

Directora Hermes cuida´t i aprèn